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Manage Store Details

In this document, you’ll learn how to edit the store’s details.

Store Profile

To edit the store’s details:

  1. Go to Settings → Store Profile
  2. In the Store Profile form:
    • You can change the store’s name.
    • Set no of products to show in a single page at listing page.
    • Set the Searchbar text which is display on navbar as search box placeholder.

Store Profile

  1. All the social media links which will reflect on the footer and contact us.

Social Media

  1. If you want to sell food and beverages items you can just toggle this switch.


  1. Once done, click on the Save button.

save modal

Shipping Settings

To enable Shipping service:

  1. Go to Settings → Shipping Settings

  2. We have Pickrr and Shipyaari for shipping. You can enable the shipping and fill the form to enable the shipping.

  3. Enter pickrr token to active pickrr


  1. Enter shipyaari username, client id, avn key to active shipyaari

shipping settings

SMS Settings

To enable SMS service:

  1. Go to Settings → SMS

  2. Select the provider you want to take services from

  3. Enter the SMS Auto Verification Id

  4. Handle sms to customer upon order confirmation or vendor on ordr confirmation

SMS settings

  1. Fill the required keys for the selected sms service

SMS provider form

Email Settings

  1. Go to Settings → Email

Enable if you want to provide email service

Email settings

Cookies Settings

  1. Go to Settings → Tracking and Analytics

Enable cookies. It will display a dialog box on your site which explicitly being tracked.

Email settings

  1. Go to Settings → Images

Edit your store gallery and icons here:

  1. You can upload the store images.

  2. Edit the logo rectangular and square shaped

  3. Upload dark logo

  4. Upload favicon

  5. upload open graph image which will display on share

Email settings