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Create a Coupon

In this document, you’ll learn how to create a coupon.

How to Create a Coupon

To create a coupon:

  1. Go to Coupons.
  2. Click on the Add Coupon button.

This opens a form with collapsible sections to fill in different information about the coupon.

Coupon Type

In this section, you have to select the coupon type. There are three types:

  1. Percentage: coupon a specific percentage of the price of each item that complies with the coupon conditions.
  2. Fixed amount: coupon a specific amount either from the cart total or from the price each item that complies with the coupon conditions. After choosing this type, a new field Allocation will show where you can choose how the coupon should be applied.
  3. Free shipping: Remove any shipping amount available during checkout.

Choose the type of the coupon and fill in any additional fields if necessary.


In this section, you have to enter general but required information related to the coupon:

  1. In the Code field, enter the code that the customers have to enter during checkout for the coupon to be applied. Only uppercase letters and numbers are allowed.
  2. If you chose Percentage for Coupon Type earlier, enter the percentage that should be couponed in the Percentage field.
  3. If you chose Fixed Amount for Coupon Type earlier, enter the amount that should be couponed in the Amount field.
  4. In the Description field, enter a description for the coupon.


In this section, you can set configurations that limit the application of the coupon:

  1. Toggle the Start date field if you want to set the date and time the customers can start using this coupon. If you don’t set a start date, the coupon can be used once it’s published.
  2. Toggle the “Coupon has an expiry date?” field if you want to set the date and time the coupon ends. If you don’t set an expiry date, the coupon can be used forever while it’s published.
  3. Toggle the “Limit the number of redemptions?” field if you want to limit how many times the coupon can be used. This number is used across customers, and not per customer. If you don’t set a limit, the coupon can be used unlimitedly.
  4. If you chose to make the coupon a template coupon earlier, you can toggle the “Availability duration?” field to set the duration of the coupon in years, months, days, hours, and minutes.


In this section, you can set the conditions that define when the coupon can be applied. When the coupon is used on a cart, it will only be applied if the items in the cart and the customer fit the coupon’s conditions.

The following condition types can be used:

  1. Product: specify products that this coupon can/can’t be used with.
  2. Tag: specify tags that this coupon can/can’t be used with.
  3. Collection: specify the collection that this coupon can/can’t be used with.
  4. Type: specify the product type that this coupon can/can’t be used with.

To add a condition to the coupon:

  1. Click on the Add Condition button.
  2. Click on the condition type.
  3. In the new list that opens:
    1. Choose at the top either “In” or “Not In,” where “In” indicates that the coupon can be applied to the items selected in this list, and “Not In” indicates that the coupon can be applied to all items except those selected in this list.
    2. Select the items from the list.
  4. Once done, click “Save and add more” to add more conditions, or click “Save and close” to close the conditions window.


You can use a condition type for only one condition. After using a condition type, you will not be able to use it again for another condition. You’ll need to edit the condition you added if you need to make any changes.

To edit a condition you already added to the coupon:

  1. Click on the icon next to the condition.
  2. Click on Edit from the dropdown.
  3. Make changes to the condition in the new window that opens.
  4. Once done, click on the Save button.

To delete a condition you already added to the coupon:

  1. Click on the icon next to the condition.
  2. Click on “Delete condition” from the dropdown.

Save Coupon

After filling out previous sections, you can save the coupon by either clicking the “Save as draft” or “Publish coupon” buttons.

If you save the coupon as a draft, customers will not be able to use it but all of the information, configurations, and conditions will be saved. You can publish it at a later point.

If you publish the coupon, customers will be able to use it within the configurations and conditions you’ve set. You can change the status of the coupon back to draft later on as well.