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This document will guide you through setting up your Arialshop server in a few minutes.



Arialshop supports Node versions 18+. You can check which version of Node you have by running the following command:

node -v

You can install Node from the official website.

Set Up Development Environment

For an manual deployment of Arialshop, you'll need to install tools by yourself such as

  • Redis
  • MongoDB.
  • Elasticsearch

Create a Arialshop Server


It is recommended to use pnpm for the installation process as it's much faster than using NPM.

1. Install Arialshop Backend API

cd api
pnpm i
pnpm start

Starts on http://localhost:7000

2. Install Arialshop Core

cd core
pnpm i
pnpm start

Starts on http://localhost:7001

3. Install Arialshop Admin

cd admin
pnpm i
pnpm start

Starts on http://localhost:3001

4. Install Arialshop Storefront

cd www
pnpm i
pnpm start

Starts on http://localhost:3000

Test Your Server

After these three steps and in only a couple of minutes, you now have a complete commerce engine running locally. You can test it out by sending a request using a tool like Postman or through the command line:

curl http://localhost:7000/api/products

Server Configurations

It's important to configure your Arialshop server properly and learn how environment variables are loaded.

You can learn more about configuring your server and loading environment variables in the Configure your Server documentation.

See Also

  • Quick Start Quick Start to start using docker compose to quickly setup without manual work.
  • Check out the Features to learn more about Arialshop.
  • Check out the Features to learn more about Arialshop Configurations.