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Storefront Settings

.env parameters

File Name: .env


Main Configurations

File Name: src/lib/config/index.js

export const authorInfo = {
	author: 'Swadesh Behera',
	facebookAuthorPage: ``,
	facebookPageName: 'codenx',
	githubPage: 'itswadesh',
	linkedinProfile: 'itswadesh',
	telegramUsername: 'itswadesh',
	twitterUsername: 'itswadesh'
export const currency = { symbol: '', code: 'INR' }
export const adminUrl = ''
export const dimentionUnit = 'cm'
export const loginUrl = '/auth/login'
export const weightUnit = 'g'
export const currencyCode = 'USD'
export const currencySymbol = '$'
export const entity = 'Misiki'
export const IMAGE_CDN_URL = ''
export const searchbarText = 'Search for brands categories & more'
export const siteShortTitle = 'Litekart' // used as SchemaOrg siteTitleAlt
export const siteTitle = 'Litekart'
export const sorts = [
	{ name: 'Recomended', val: null },
	{ name: `What's New`, val: '-updatedAt' },
	{ name: 'Price: High to Low ', val: '-price' },
	{ name: 'Price: Low to High ', val: 'price' },
	{ name: 'Discount: High to Low ', val: '-discount' },
	{ name: 'Discount: Low to High ', val: 'discount' },
	{ name: `Name: Asc`, val: 'name' },
	{ name: `Name: Desc`, val: '-name' }
export const listOfPagesWithoutBackButton = [

PWA Settings

File Name: src/lib/config/website.js

export const ogLanguage = 'en_US'
export const siteLanguage = 'en-US'
export const icon = 'static/icon.png'
export const backgroundColor = '#1b4079'
export const themeColor = '#d62828'